A rhinoplasty is an operation to reshape the nose. It can be done to improve facial harmony and balance and to improve the proportions of the nose. It can also be done to improve breathing. It is one of the most popular and commonly performed procedures in plastic surgery. A rhinoplasty is designed to create beautiful and natural results. It can result in major improvements in a person's overall appearance.
The specific features it addresses are the size of the nose in relation to the rest of the face, the width of the nose at the bridge, the width of the tip of the nose, the width of the nostrils, the profile of the nose to improve its contour, the definition of the tip of the nose to make it more refined and asymmetries of the nose. In cases where there are breathing issues, additional procedures must be done to the septum and other structures of the nose.
A rhinoplasty can be performed using two different kinds of incisions. The incisions can be made inside the nostrils so that scars are hidden. If it is done this way, it is called a "Closed Approach." The incision can also be made across the narrow strip of tissue between the nostrils called the columella. If it is done this way, it is called an "Open Approach." Each approach has its advantages and disadvantages. You should review all options during your consultation0.
During surgery, the nasal bones and nasal cartilages will be reshaped or modified as needed to give you the result desired. Which specific techniques you will need can only be determined after a full consultation.
After surgery, small bandages and a nasal splint will be applied to cover the nose. Packing inside the nose is sometimes also used. These are usually removed after approximately a week. Most patients can return to work or school after a week. There is usually swelling and bruising after surgery. Bruising usually resolves after a week. Swelling is not very noticeable after a week. You should notice a significant improvement in the appearance of the nose immediately. However, it could take up to a year for all of the swelling to resolve and to see the final result.
During your consultation, the surgeon will review all of your options and will discuss the surgery and recovery process in detail.
Surgery to improve the appearance of the upper or lower eyelids is also known as a "blepharoplasty." A blepharoplasty can dramatically rejuvenate the face by improving the appearance of the eyes therefore giving you a more rested look.
A blepharoplasty is designed to address the following issues: 1. Removal of excess fatty deposits in the upper eyelids causing puffiness. 2. Loose, excess, saggy and wrinkled skin of the upper and lower eyelids. 3. The appearance of "bags" of the lower eyes.
The incisions for blepharoplasty surgery are well hidden. They are designed to heal in the crease of the upper eyelid, along the eyelash line of the lower eyelid or on the inside of the lower eyelid where it is never visible. Procedures usually involve removal of excess loose and wrinkled skin. Excess fat causing puffiness or bag formation is commonly removed. The fat may also be redistributed in order to create a smoother contour.
Most patients are very comfortable after eyelid surgery. Cold compresses are usually recommended. Bruising and swelling occur which resolve within 7-10 days. Stitches are usually removed 5-7 days after surgery. Most people can return to work or school after approximately a week.
Your surgeon will spend time reviewing the procedure and recovery with you.
A facelift ("rhytidectomy") is a surgical procedure to improve the visible signs of aging in the face and neck. This procedure specifically targets the following conditions: 1. A saggy and flat appearance of the middle of the face 2. Deep creases from the nose to the corner of the mouth (the nasolabial fold) 3. Sagginess of the jawline, especially in the area of the jowls 4. Loose skin and excess fat under the chin and in the neck.
Other procedures are usually performed with a facelift in order to rejuvenate the entire face. These may include an eyebrow lift and eyelid surgery.
A facelift is usually performed by using incisions hidden in the creases in front of and behind the ear. These incisions may have to be extended up into the temple area or back into the lower scalp depending on much loose skin is present. Once healed, these incisions are well camouflaged and are barely visible.
The recovery will vary depending on such factors as the type of facelift technique done and the addition of other procedures. You should discuss your anticipated recovery with your surgeon.

A neck lift is designed to reduce excess fat in the neck while tightening and recontouring the skin of the neck area. This can improve the appearance of fatty areas below the chin, "turkey neck" deformities and aging of the neck. The result is a beautiful and youthful looking neckline.
The specific procedures done will depend on the amount of excess fat and loose saggy skin. In mild cases, liposuction of the neck is all that is needed to improve the appearance. If there is a small amount of excess fat and loose skin, a submental neck lift may achieve your goals. This is performed through a small incision below the chin. Liposuction is performed and the muscles in the front part of the neck are tightened.
If there is a substantial amount of fat, lack of muscle tone or loose skin, then a full neck lift is needed. This is performed through incisions hidden within the skin creases of the lower ear and the creases behind the ear. It allows excess and loose skin to be removed, allowing for dramatic improvement in the appearance and contour of the neck. If there are additional signs of facial aging, such as the presence of jowls, then a facelift done in conjuction with a neck lift will be needed.
The recovery depends on the type of procedure done. Your surgeon will discusss which option is best for you.
As aging occurs, the tissues of the forehead may become loose and can descend. This can cause a very tired look to the face. The formation of deep lines and wrinkles of the forehead worsen this. A brow lift, or forehead lift, is designed to restore the youthful appearance of the forehead.
A brow lift can 1. Reduce the wrinkles that develop across the forehead and in between the eyebrows. 2. Raise the position of the eyebrows making you appear more rested, alert and youthful.
There are numerous options for brow lift surgery. These include the traditional coronal incision browlift, an endoscopic brow lift and lateral brow lifts. The traditional coronal incision brow lift is performed through an incision across the scalp hidden in the hair. This allows lifting of the tissues and manipulation of the muscles to achieve the desired effect. The scar is well camouflaged within the hair after this procedure.
An endoscopic brow lift is performed through multiple small incisions made in the scalp just behind the hairline. A small endosope (tubular handle with a camera at the end) is inserted through the incisions and used to visualize the forehead. The forehead skin and muscles can be adjusted to result in a lifting effect.
Lateral brow lifts are an option when minimal lifting or adjustment is needed. This is accomplished through small incisions above the eyebrows but located at the level of the hairline.
The recovery will depend on which specific procedure is being performed. You will have an opportunity to discuss these options and all information during your consultation.
Chin augmentation is a procedure to enhance and reshape the chin. Reshaping the chin can have powerful and dramatic effects on the overall balance and appearance of the face.
Chin augmentation is most commonly performed using a chin implant. Chin implants come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Your surgeon will determine which implant is best for you during your consultation.
Chin implants can be inserted through an incision made inside the mouth or through a small incision made on the under surface of the chin. Each approach has its advantages and disadvantages and these options will be discussed with you during your appointment.
Alternatively, chin augmentation can be performed using your own natural bone. This is a more complex procedure that must be performed by a surgeon experienced with craniofacial surgery.
Recovery depends on the type of chin surgery performed. During your consultation, you will have an opportunity to discuss details about chin implant options, surgical techniques and recovery.
The fullness and contour of the upper cheek/ cheekbone area have a powerful influence on the aesthetic beauty of the face. A deflated and flat appearance of the upper cheek area can make someone look old and tired. Fullness of the upper cheek, on the other hand, can make one appear more youthful and attractive.
Enhancement of the upper cheek area can be accomplished through a variety of ways. There are non invasvie options using injectables. These options are usually temporary and are discussed under "Non Invasive Cosmetic Procedures." Other options include fat grafting and cheek implants.
Fat grafting involves harvesting fat from another area of the body, such as the abdomen or thighs. The fat is then processed, purified and prepared in special syringes for injection. The fat is then placed in the face to enhance the contour and fullness of chosen areas. This is a very popular option because it uses one's own natural fat. The result looks and feels very natural.
Another option is the use of cheek implants. These implants come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Which implant is used will depend on your anatomy and your desired result. These implants are usually inserted through incisions made inside the mouth. This can be a very powerful and effective way to enhance the appearance of the cheek area.
A full consultation is needed to decide which option will be better for you. Your surgeon will review the various choices and goals, as well as the surgical techniques and recovery during your meeting.
Just as the upper cheek area can have a dramatic influence on the aesthetic beauty of the face, the lower cheek area can have a similar dramatic effect as well. Unlike the upper cheek, excess fullness of the lower cheek area creates a rounded appearance to the face. In general, this can disrupt facial harmony and balance.
The procedure to reduce fullness of the lower cheek area is called a "buccal lipectomy." It is performed through a small incision made inside the mouth. Excess fat deposits in the lower cheek are removed through this incision. Once healed, the removal of fat creates a more sculpted look to the lower cheek and face.
There is relatively little discomfort with this procedure. Bruising is uncommon. There may be swelling which will resolve over the course of a few weeks.
Your surgeon will determine if you are a candidate for this procedure. He or she will then discuss the techniques, recovery and expected results with you during the consultation.

An "Otoplasty" is a procedure designed to reshape the ear. Excess prominence of the ear, excessive size of the ear and irregularities of the ear shape are common problems that an otoplasty can address. These problems may have been present at birth, or they may have been acquired through an injury or other surgery.
An "Otoplasty" is a procedure designed to reshape the ear. Excess prominence of the ear, excessive size of the ear and irregularities of the ear shape are common problems that an otoplasty can address. These problems may have been present at birth, or they may have been acquired through an injury or other surgery.
Otoplasty is performed through incisions made on the back of the ear. Occasionally, incisions are made in the creases and folds located on the front of the ear. These incisions heal well and are camouflaged by the folds and shadows of the ear.
Techniques used to reshape the ear involve cartilage modification and shaping through specially designed modifications and stitch placement. Your surgeon will discuss the specific techniques needed during your consultation.
Techniques used to reshape the ear involve cartilage modification and shaping through specially designed modifications and stitch placement. Your surgeon will discuss the specific techniques needed during your consultation.