The Future of Cosmetic and Reconstructive Plastic Surgery and Anti-Aging Medicine

The Los Angeles Society of Plastic Surgeons will hold its Annual Symposium on Saturday September 13th, 2014 at the Beverly Hills Hotel.
The theme for this year's meeting is:
The Future of Cosmetic and Reconstructive Plastic Surgery and Anti-Aging Medicine
Samuel Lin, MD is an associate professor of Surgery at Harvard Medical School. He will discuss The Role of the Plastic Surgeon in a Mass Casualty Situation: The Boston Marathon Bombing. He will also discuss future applications of technology in Plastic Surgery, such as 3D Printing.
Aubrey de Grey, PhD is a biomedical gerontologist based in Cambridge, UK and Mountain View, California, USA. He is also the Chief Science Officer of SENS Research Foundation, a California-based 501(c)(3) charity dedicated to combating the aging process. His talk will be on Rejuvenation Biotechnology: Restoring Youth inside and Out and will summarize the work that his foundation is doing to repair the damage caused by aging. His talk will compare and contrast damage repair strategies in anti-aging options and will review how biotechnology will benefit the efficacy of cosmetic and plastic surgery.
Lorne K. Rosenfield, M.D. is Board certified in both General Surgery and Plastic and ReconstructiveSurgery. He has been in private practice in Burlingame, CA for over 25 years. Dr. Rosenfield is an active Clinical Professor of Plastic Surgery at both UCSF and Stanford University Medical Centers.
His talks will include:
“Ensuring Excellence in the Operating Room” He will present various strategies to ensure improvements in practice management. He will also discuss the design, application and maintenance of an effective operating room checklist.
"The Pinch Blepharoplasty: For Safer and Superior Results" He will review the technique of the pinch blepharoplasty in detail and present his results for this procedure. He will also outline the advantages of the pinch blepharoplasty technique over the traditional skin muscle approach and explain the benefits and application of the skin pinch and stitch canthopexy procedures.
"The Pinch Rhytidoplasty: A Low SMAS, Safe and Effective Variation on the Theme" He will present the development, technique and results of the pinch rhytidoplasty. He will also compare this technique with a traditional facelift approach in combination with an open neck platy. Lastly, tips to individualize and maximize vectors in the aging face will be discussed.
"The High Tension Abdominoplasty Version 2.0" In this talk, he will present his techniques and results with the high tension abdominoplasty. A detailed explanation of the markings and execution of the technique will be presented. He will also highlight the benefits of the high tension abdominoplasty vs. the traditional abdominoplasty.
You can register for the meeting at: